LIGWM - Preparation, hardwork, and beauty

 This little guy is the first tomato i got of the season! He's just perfect and I've wanted to eat him since i saw he was ready but needed to take his picture first! It's weird I'm referring to a tomato as a "him" but let's get past that shall we! 

I know that soon I'll have so many tomatoes I'll be roasting and freezing them because I'll have so many!!  

This time of year the tomato plants grow like crazy and if I don't keep up with their "haircuts" they quickly get out of hand and I can't see or even get to the tomatoes and they rot on the plants which drives me crazy!  I spent some time out in the garden, even with all the work, it's so peaceful out there!  

The thing about gardens is that they are really exciting when the plants get to be bought but once the real work begins it's not so exciting!  

Sunshine, water, trimming the plants - pruning the leaves, it's a lot of work.... but soon.., I'll eat so much labne toast with tomatoes for at least one meal a day!!! 

The thing about gardening, like a lot of things I get into is that it seems fun and then when the real work begins I don't want to do it.  I'll give the example of lunches EVERY week.  Yes, I do love it.  Especially when I see someone at the fridge and I serve them myself.  But on the weeks when I have to clean out the fridge because someone brought something almost rotting, I don't love it.  I actually drop a few cuss words...  but God didn't call me to make lunches because it would be fun, He knew there was a need and He knew I'd fill it (He's given me the talent, the heart, and the resources - sometimes crowd sourcing LOL) to do it.  He knew.  And when I signed up in my heart to do it, I knew what was required... which also includes that I forget to get bread and run to target as soon as they open to get the bread for sandwiches.   Work is involved. There is skin in the game (but not in the sandwiches).

Gardens remind me that in hard work, there is fruit and Beaty but we must show up.  Love shows up.  Real life is that way too, what other people feel like is luck or someone comes by it easily (which happens too) often is the result in good planning, hard work, and God's grace.

As i was pulling weeds i saw 4 flutterbies. The daisies are so tall with huge blooms so they are falling over - the first blooms always do that! I will cut them back and they will bloom a few more times! 

There will be more flutterbies and flowers because I will do the hard work.  And I am here for it.  When you walk in my backyard, I hope you feel welcomed and loved

All that comes to fruition because of hard work and God's grace.
