The Journey of Grief: A wild night out...

 Was just what i needed.

Ive been so overwhelmed lately. Imagine my partner at work sitting across from me as i cry. As someone that was in a different group, that i just chat with to someone who has helped me grow, listened to me, encouraged me, seen a lot of my crazy and oh so gently says (not in these words) CTFD.  

I have the tools in my toolbox to help when I'm overwhelmed i just have to tell myself to "slow down Lucy" and put a plan in place.

The holidays are hard for me. My already keenly mindset that need is everywhere, the cold weather, the hardships of Christmas, the pressures of Xmas and the holidays, it sends me into a tailspin. And then add that my dad died RIGHT BEFORE Thanksgiving... a recipe for heartbreak if i let it. Oh and add the chaos of  a bathroom remodel. 

Thankfully I've been going to the pool to help manage stress.  I'm in my Bible to hear God.  But it's still a lot. Anyone else? 

So i decided to get organized and do something's to help myself . I had all the things to make hygiene kits so i did two months worth! 

And yesterday i text my 'sister' and invited myself over to her house with my nieces and we made snack bags for the homeless. This helps me so much because it's a lot of time to prepare them each week so i always do them in bulk. So for about an hour we all sat around and talked and packed and now I'm set for over two months! 

I can't tell you know how much I needed to spend time with them.  To choose people who choose me.  My nieces were playing basketball with the fruit snacks in the snack bags, one of the girls kept saying "this is really fun" and I kept laughing to myself - "oh aunt of the year award over here" LOL 

It really was great.  Choosing people who choose me.  its the strongest tool in my toolbox.
