Be nice... Be thoughtful, and when someone is crying, be compassionate.

I love this blog thing... I don't know if anyone but Sara reads it but I really like it.

I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. It hurt, but not as much as I thought it would. But I look awful. But that’s not my issue…

I WAS SO SCARED!! SO SCARED!! Say it with me, SO SCARED!! My dad wanted to know if there’s time for him to go get breakfast during my procedure, remember, I’m scared, I probably didn’t react well to this (Heck, I know I didn’t). Will my face blow up for three days, will it be as bad as I’ve heard??? Probably not, mine were a “simple extraction” (I still wonder why God gave us those stinkin’ teeth, not many get to keep them—and I would have been happy to keep mine but my teeth were shifting and they were infected often).

So, I am sitting in the chair, praying, ‘please God, I don’t want to cry, please don’t let me cry. I know you’ll watch over me. I already look terrible, no make up, if anyone seems me like this, I’ll never get married. EVER’. So I am praying, the very hot Doctor comes in (yes he’s married, out of my league anyway, but he’s hot) and he’s says, “don’t worry, these are easy ones, but there’s this one little tip…. Did someone turn on a faucet in here?? My eyes are now pouring, I was trying to pray but my tears were in the way. The doctor, so sweet, “don’t worry huney, it’s going to be fine, I promise”. The nurse, I think she was satan’s wife, not lying, she was just mean. Have you ever been scared of something stupid? I’ve had two surgerys in my life, a cyst, and Phyllis. She was not compassionate, not even the slight bit nice, “put these ice packs on- get out of my face- you’re a baby” I don’t know if that’s what she really said, but that’s what I heard.

I will admit… a LOT scared, a little PMS, my teeth are out, they hurt, a little, it’s over and PRAISE JESUS, I don’t have to do that again.

I will send the Doctor a note, he really did a good job, Dr. Bill at Downriver Dental (go see him just for a consultation—I’m telling you—he’s hot!!), his nurse… I’ll pray for her. She’s not nice.

Matthew 5:38 You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth

(I’m sorry, I had to use that one, you know God has a sense of humor)
