God shuts a door… Hard…

There are many instants in my life when I have seen the signs that it is time to move on… but I think I am not ready. God keeps telling me and I don’t listen… I push and push…

And then it happens, He says… “so, I have been warning you, telling you to move on… but you refuse… you hard head…”


Door closed. He had beautiful double French doors open for me, but I was too busy trying to make something work that I didn’t see them… Dope!

This has happened in my life so many times, men, friends, work… After each SLAM of the door, God shows me just a little of His vision.

God’s plan is always the best one, and the older I get, the more I realize this. I realize that it’s not about me, it’s all about Him. He puts things in our lives sometimes for a lifetime and sometimes just for a season. When we listen, there is no difference in greatness between the lifetime or the season. They both have their own purpose. I trust in God that He will know what I need.

“ In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? ”-
Psalm 56:4
