My second biggest job as a mom.

My first job as a mom is to teach my daughter about Jesus. Even when I was Catholic I took this VERY seriously, the Catholic Religion (GOD love them) sometimes teaches rituals more than meanings. "This is what we do" not necessarily "why we do it". Any Catholics reading this, don't mean to offend you - I said sometimes- not always. But with every sacrement they taught her, I wanted to make sure she knew the "why". This did cause me to think, and learn, two things I like.
My second job as a mom is to make sure my daughter, and all her little friends, have self esteem. That they see the 1 million wonderful things about themselves, and learn to correct the things that are maybe not-so-good. I believe that the combination of God and self-esteem will help them to make better choices as they grow up. Did I say "right choices" no, I said better choices.
It seems to me that a lot of people have issues as adults, and a lot of them stem from not loving themselves. Tina-fab, you are excluded from this. And as put by Tina something like God would think that's dumb. I believe she is right. I don't want to speak for God, because I just don't have that kind of knowledge, but I think He knows how great we are, because He made us. It's like the picture or ashtray or whatever kids make when they are little, the world hasn't taught them about what's good and bad, they know they are special, what they make is special, thus, it's great. God doesn't look at the things of the world, because He knews He's it. He is the most Specialist, and what He makes is special. So who are we to tell Him He's wrong?
So remember, you're special, all of you.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2


Sara said…
you and t-fab are so right. accusing myself of worthlessness is accusing God of foolishness. didn't He sacrifice Christ on my behalf? did God mess up?
Tonya said…
This is a though proviking blog Margie, I really like it.
tina fabulous said…
allow me to copy and paste my previous statement from an earlier blog:

"low self esteem is dumb. it masquerades as humility when in reality, its just one more way to be self absorbed.
you know, God went to a lot of trouble to show us that we're loved and precious to him. and then we sit here acting stupid and tell him he's wrong.

if i were God, i would be so mad."

of course, sara summed it up much more eloquently!