Slow learner

I am totally piggy backing off of Pat today... The scripture she used has been resinating in my head since yesterday. If only I had learned James 1:19 a long time ago. It's a simple lesson, one that I really still have not mastered completely.

19My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry

I am a good listener. I hear a lot of what people say, I ususally am not slow to speak though, and for sure, I am not slow to become angry. I am emotionally driven and purpose driven. I wish I was all purpose driven. Someone told me (I really don't remember who) that if you are emotionally driven you will be right half of the time, but if you are purpose driven, you will be right ALL the time. There has been many times in my life when I have hurt someone because they pissed me off (sorry nothing else fits) and I was not slow to speak, and neither were they, and now... well... there has either been foregiveness or disolving of the friendship.

I have learned though, I am growing in Christ, and the teachings of the Bible, I really try, but I do fall short. I had an experience just Thursday I had an issue, and I really wasn't slow to become angry, but I was slow to speak, and I exammined myself, and why I was so irriatated, and I talked with a friend, I did address my situation, but I did it in a good way. Issue resolved, peacefully.

I have a long way to go, but thankfully it's a long journey, and the teachers around me help me, and we have the ultimate teacher, don't we?

James 1:19 19My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry


Pat said…
Dear Daughter can piggy back off of my blog anytime you want, I'm flattred. The book of James is jam packed full of good stuff! Now as Sara's mother you know I'm going to correct your language! You could have used the words "made me angry" instead of ---- me off. I hope you're not ------ off at me for saying so!
Margie said…
you could never offend me! BUt really, I wasn't angry... I was ---- off....

but you know what they say... better to be ------ off than ------on....

I miss Sara...