C'mon people!

I have been in and out of stores this weekend, sometimes really good experiences and some... well not so good. I have found that most people are pretty nice, I almost got knocked over by a store manager at Farmer Jack today, but other than that, it's been ok, except for one thing...

PEOPLE!! Stop buying your kids stuff before Christmas. I am sorry if this offends you, but for the love of Chocolate Chip cookies. After Halloween all extras, toys, CDs, DVDs, matchbox cars, perfume, makeup... shopping stops. If it's good enough to buy, stick it in a stocking, or here's a crazy idea, don't give your kids everything in the whole wide world, they probably won't appreciate it anyway.

I just have to say, that in my observances this holiday season, most kids who asked for stuff, didn't even ask nicely, and sorry if you are one of those people, most of them looked like what I call 'Downriver White Trash'. Really, sorry if you are offended, and I know it doesn't sound very Christian like but even Jesus called out the Samaritan woman.

There is about a week left until Christmas. Stop buying extra stuff while you are in the stores.

This message brought to you by parents everywhere who actually just say no.


Pat said…
I say, stop entitlement before it's an epidemic! Just say no!!
Good post, a few well placed "No's" can help prepare for a lifetime of not always getting what you want.
Becky said…
Mrs. Mac said…
I've barely begun to shop. I'm the "mother of all" just say NO to her kids. (Whew, don't want to be in that downriver white trash category:)
(whitetrash happens to be one of my most used descriptions .. shhhh). As a kid, I think we may have even been as poor as white trash ... except we were very content with what we had and didn't know the difference) Good post!