
I had a very stressful day. I had to deal with this... nit wit, and I was so frustrated. I am amazed at how unprofessional, rude, arrogant, and just wrong she was. Her paperwork is not done, she needs to retake the 101 in her job because Lord have mercy, she has no clue of the big picture.

I had to sit with her yesterday, twice. Completely frustrated both times. Completely. Both times I wanted to scream at her and tell her she was being all those things above, but I didn't. In my head, all I could say was "be honoring to God, be honoring to God, be honoring to God, be honoring to God" even though, honestly that is the last thing I wanted to be. I had listened to Joel on the web while I was working (that is the coolest thing) and he talked about how we are exactly where we are supposed to be, because that's where God put us, so while I am there I better be honoring to God, right?

I think my blood pressure was probably off the little doo-hickey that they take it with, but I held my tongue, and today, I have to deal with, in a way that is honoring to God. I better pray the whole way to work :)

Psalm 22:23 You who fear the LORD, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!


KayMac said…
I am sure God was glorified!
Pat said…
Lord bless Margie today above and beyond her needs. Envelope her with patience when she is stressed and continue to be the quite voice in her ear when all around her is noisy. In all things may she honor you. You are her joy and her strength. I thank you for Margie's life and the blessing she has been to me. If she is such a joy to me, I can only imagine how much you love her...
Bless her in every way, in Jesus name, Amen.
Becky said…
how'd you do????