Enjoying the weekend!

Its been an enjoyable weekend!

Friday we went up to Grace Centers of Hope, we had a big breakfast at home, Phyllis made pancakes (banana & choc chip), and we had biscuits & gravy, sausage, and quiche without the crust. We served by doing some stuff in the kitchen, and 3 of the kids went to the thrift store to help do 'stuff'. Later, I made dinner for Phyllis, Gibbie, & Lexi, it wasn't anything super fancy, it was just yummy, home cooked food. It was just a good day.

Yesterday was a beautiful day on the boat, read a bunch of my book, got a little sunburn, it wasn't too hot so I didn't spend too much time in the water but it was VERY relaxing. I came home and watched one of my very favorite movies, Invinceable with Mark Wahlberg. And I did do some cleaning... how does the ceiling fans get so dirty if they never stop spinning (what the heck!)

Today is another day on the boat and Alive! I love being on the boat and this summer we just didn't get out like usual.

Tomorrow is a big party for Kirstin, we are celebrating love. She leaves for Uganda on Tuesday and she needs the proper send off! Funny thing, I asked for her requests... she only had one. Puppy chow. Ha! That is probably the easiest request I've ever gotten. We are going to have a lot more than that, I can't wait to celebrate her!

I love long weekends! The schedule is about to start, back to school on Tuesday for Phyllis. I usually am ready for the schedule to start back up but this year... I could enjoy the summer forever!

Happy Labor Day weekend!!

Psalm 116:7 (msg) I said to myself, "Relax and rest. God has showered you with blessings. Soul, you've been rescued from death; Eye, you've been rescued from tears; And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling."

I love this song...
