
I don’t know what the deal is but I feel like an epic failure.

And I’m not one of those people who uses the word ‘epic’ so much that it loses its value.

It’s all a whole bunch of little things. And one big one.

My weight. I hate my weight, I know what to do but I just can’t get motivated and stay motivated to do something about it. Makes me hate myself. FAIL!

I signed up to bring a meal to someone, forgot it was my day… oui… froze it and was supposed to bring it to someone else’s house for easy delivery, and forgot. FAIL!

Hole in my garage roof. Need to get it taken care of but can’t. FAIL!

Didn’t finish weeding this weekend. FAIL!

Didn't blog but had lots to say. FAIL!

Forgot a couple things at the grocery store. One of which was on the list for me to go get. FAIL!

Putting my value in the way other people treat me. FAIL!

Can’t paint my house myself. FAIL!

Dishwasher handle broken, can’t fix even though I tried. FAIL!

And really, my list could go on and on…

And why I ask myself do I focus on all the things I’m not or can’t do? I know I shouldn’t.

Good thing I’m starting a bible study on my worth.

Eph 2:10 (NLT) 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.


Trish said…
Sweet are not a failure!
Stand in front of a mirror, look deep into your own eyes and see the beauty of you! Love yourself...I have learned to do just that. You are always doing for others, loving teens and being God's hands.
I admire you Margie.
Big hugs and much love,
Aunt Pat