Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
~ Helen Keller
Today I was telling the story of Phyllis. Today is her birthday you know. The quote above was from today's incourage blog.
I think about my girl and I just can't believe she's mine. Behind every good mom is a great kid! She's not here today, she's with her friends up north. I sent some of her presents with her and kept some back here. all that time ago, I would have never thought that I could love someone as much as I love her. I didn't even think it was possible. And to think God loves us even more than that! That makes me want to cry.
I wonder what she will be when she grows up. I wonder... I know that whatever it is, life with her has been a grand adventure! I know I've messed up so many times, and somehow God's grace has covered us both.
I'm so thankful for her! I know that I didn't deserve her, but God let me borrow one of His children!
Happy Birthday Pean! I loveyou! and am so proud to be your momma!!! You are my greatest earthly blessing!
I loveyou more today, than yesterday! But not as much as tomorrow!
Many hugs..........
xxx Cathy
Happy Birthday Phyllis!!! My sister Sheila shares this day with you. (except she's way older)
I love you!!!