I just got a new picture for my room. I have wanted it for a long time!! I thought I was going to put it in my office, but as soon as I saw it… I knew exactly where it should go, the wall and everything. In my room. The funny thing is that this picture is orange and pink… two colors that don’t really match anything in my house, but I love it!
I was thinking about this picture and the last couple days and how I know that God has had His hand over my mouth so that I would not word vomit… and I am sure it was quite a task, even for Him (not really, but I am quite feisty!).
Instantly I thought of John 10:10. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I think about this past week and how people tried to speak death into me, I know they didn't mean to hurt me (and even if they did, I'll err on the side of love and grace)… and here is the thing I’m wondering…
I know who God says I am, I know who He is. And I know that He has great things planned for me. So why would I believe such poop!
I got this picture tonight after spending some awesome time with my friend and just some real good girl time, laughing, talk about some serious stuff, just what I needed!
Love from the center of who you are
Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Who is my center? Christ!
I will not believe anything less than Christ’s best. I will speak life into others (and myself)! I have seen Him not only show up, but show up BIG in my life and others! He changes lives! He gives hope! He loves!
It’s the Easter season! That’s big! I get all goose-pimply… because He is great! He loves me! He loves you! He loves us so much that He died for us! But not only did He die… HE IS RISEN! We love and serve a Risen Savior!
Wow! That’s good.