Lives hang in the balance

I went to a leaders retreat this past weekend and it was amazing in sooooo many ways. 

We were talking about staying energized and going for it every night. And sometimes I'm tired Sunday nights. Long weeks at work, busy weekends, not enough sleep, lots to do... But the one thing that keeps me going? Lives hang in the balance. I know that as youth staff or really even as a Christian, in the end, lives matter. I don't always do it perfectly and I may inadvertently hurt someone but I must at that time say I'm sorry, but I strive to move forward. 
If you saw someone drowning in a lake, would you just sit back, and then look for your bathing suit? And then go get your towel, maybe get a drink of soda?
 No! You'd jump in that water and you'd do everything in your power to save that person. 
All the people who are around us are those drowning people. They are gasping for the kind of air that will bring life to them. They are gasping and floundering reaching out to us to give them life, and some don't even know they are drowning. 
We have people all around us, our families, friends, co-workers, you name it, who need Jesus!  We have got to go after them!
The new school year is about to start and I'm super excited about it!!! Those kids matter to God! They do! And so they matter to me! 

Acts 20:24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.


Jada's Gigi said…
Going for it every night is highly overrated. God is a BIG God and He can handle all those lives hanging in the balance...they are not solely dependent on you. :)
Margie said…
We will have to agree to disagree on this one :) we are Jesus with skin on a lot of times. I feel like I cannot just "show up" and see what happens.... I'm super not wired like that.
Anonymous said…
Amen Margie acts 20:24 is perfect. Or noaybe you should just spend more time on "you" ha you know where that gets you. Heck it gets me locked up. It's been 16years since I stopped workin for "me " and I've not been locked since. Ha or or homeless "you have to give it a way to keep it"