Tuesday Ramblings

Started a book study with some wonderful ladies!  So excited!I'm excited to see what God is going to do in all our lives!!  Captivating! God made us captivating!  He loves us!

Youth Ministry starts up in FULL swing next week, this weekend was the baptism!  It was so exciting to see so many people live and love for Christ!  WOW!

I slept last night!  It was amazingly uninterrupted!  From like 10 to 4:30!  that was great!

Peeling is only good for oranges!  LOL!  My sunburn is now peeling.

When I think of the injustice of the world, it makes me nuts! Yesterday I posted on FB about how unfairness saddens me.  I think about the people of the world who don't have enough to eat or access to clean water.  And don't get me started on sex-trafficking...  even though right now I am supposed to rest, it makes me want to put on a cape and a tiara and go save the world!

I'm blown away about how much I loved El Salvador.  Honestly, I wasn't sure of how it was going to be or if I would like it because I loved Haiti so much!!! Two completely different trips!  It was so great!!!  I think one of the biggest things is that yes, we were going to El Salvador with an organization called LWI - Living Water International but I still had in my mind that water was the most important part, which it was super important.  But we brought them Jesus.  A lot of the people did now Jesus, the kids did too, but as Christians we don't bring Jesus once in awhile, we bring Him everyday (or at least we should!).
We are Jesus when we are kind
We are Jesus when we listen
We are Jesus when we speak
We are Jesus when we fall in mud holes and laugh
We are Jesus when we don't get home from digging until 10PM when the day started at 10AM
We are Jesus when we love children
We are Jesus when we are friends
We are Jesus...

So many people came along side me when I felt like i was losing my mind.  I remember before each trip, even The Detroit Mission Trip not just the overseas trips, my heart was wrapped up so tight in all the things I'm not, the darkness was getting a little too close, but so many people listened (just listened), people sent me scriptures, a lot of people prayed!  I don't think I could have gotten through the last few months without my amazing friends! And really, I was often surprised where the love and friendship came from - do you know someone got up and brought me to the airport and they had to drive 15-20 minutes to get me - and I left at 5:30 AM???  that's crazy!  People that I knew were my friends, but I didn't know cared about me that much sent me encouraging messages.  One friend even told me to put on my sass pants and read Phil 4:8 which was soo good.

My ankle is still tender from the trip, not terrible but I am kind of afraid to exert especially since my foot still hurts and the doctor said the MRI didn't show anything was wrong.  So I am going to take it easy on it for awhile and then I am going to start easing back into running and see how it goes.  And of course, I am going to pray about it :)

It has been really awesome in the last couple weeks, God has allowed me to love in ways that as a single mom I never would have been able to.  He has allowed me to fill needs, and that is just crazy because so many times I had a need and random people would help me, the most unexpected people, and in the last couple months (and days) I have been blessed to help someone else.  It's true in the Desert Song... I know I'm filled to be emptied again, this seed I received I will sow.  NEVER

I'm looking forward to some alone time this weekend, and some great time with friends and people I serve with!  I feel like God spent some good time building me up, teaching me, molding me, and now He's sending me back out to love!  (I was serving the whole time He was working in me just in different ways).
