I haven’t been to the movies in quite a long time, and now I’ve been two weeks in a row. Funny.
I went to see the movie “Flight” with Denzel Washington. I must say that I’ve never seen a movie with Denzel that I haven’t liked.
When the movie opened, the scene is a naked chic. I’m thinking “oh boy, this is gonna be a long movie” and I’m not a prude. I wouldn’t walk out of a movie based on offensiveness, but I also don’t choose to go to movies like “Magic Mike”. But sex is part of life. The rest of the movie was not like that. But consider yourself warned.
I must say I really enjoyed the movie, though I went with a stomach ache and there were some stressful parts of the movie, I thought I might hurl right there in MJR. Don’t worry, all the backs of the seats were safe. No pukes.
There were a few things that were not exactly factual, but looked good for the movie. There is are a couple scenes that aren’t really like they are in real life… but I understand real life would not have made for a great scene.
The movie deals with a lot of issues, one being drug abuse and alcoholism. Those issues are always interesting to me, do you know I love to learn about lots of stuff? Get to the heart of an issue… and you get to the heart.
I know that a lot of Christians may be offended by the language, the content, and some of the issues in this movie. I will warn you that if you are someone who guards your home and doesn’t deal with outside influences, this is not the best movie for you to go see. I don’t happen to be one of those people. I can hear you now… I’m just saying, life is real and raw and for me (FOR ME – you make the choices for you) I want to know what’s out there and how to give grace in those situations. I want to know how to deal with a situation, not close myself off to it.
I think that we are in the world but not OF the world. I believe that for me (again, this is ME) in order to love someone through a mess, I better know how to clean up a mess, and know how to love them. While I know that I better guard my heart, I need to know how to deal.
I loved the movie. I really did. On so many levels. I found myself praying during the movie in parts dealing with addicts. I’m such a nerd but knowing and loving addicts made me think of them and giving them grace was just part of my prayer.
I’d go see it again.
Luke 5:31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick
It is so encouraging to know we are being prayed for