Worshipping in the craziest places

So I realize that most people don't find it exciting to snap a bushel of green beans. 
Do you know how many green beans are actually in a bushel?

1 million!!

As I was watching the previews to the movie 42 I thought "what was I thinking? This is gonna suck". Really. That's what i thought. 

Thankfully the movie 42 is very engaging and i barely even thought about the fact that I sat still for almost 2 hours!! That is a miracle in itself! 

As I was snapping away... I thought about my very favorite podcast. Yes, I have a very favorite. It's from elevation church and it's by Israel houghton. June 9,2012 you can thank me later. Anyway... Quit interrupting me I'm trying to tell you something important (lol). There is one part when he talks about how there is worship when we serve our families. Soccer moms car pooling... Making lunches and dinners. 

Well lets face it, in our society there isn't much value on snapping green beans to provide for our families in January. But for me, as silly as it sounds, I find it rewarding to serve my family this way. I feel like God really did make me to be a wife and a mom (though I may have gotten it backwards) that cooks and cleans for my family. 

It reminds me of how in Haiti God spoke to me and I got to share the Word during devotional time about how God wants all of our lives not the parts we are willing to surrender, we need to surrender it all to Him. 

We need to worship Him in everything we do.

Tomorrow I will can & freeze the millions green beans I snapped tonight. I'll prep to do the tomatoes and peaches. It's a lot of work but it's amazing and I'm thankful for the gifts to do these wild and crazy things. 

She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. (Proverbs 31:15-17 NIV)


Mrs. Mac said…
snapping green beans is the perfect 'chore' to do while praying too! :) It's very relaxing .. especially on the front porch rocking chair. Enjoy the bounty of green beans.