A reminder

God has been speaking to me but I've been struggling. My schedule has been a little whacky! So crazy that I went to a birthday party yesterday and COMPLETELY forgot to get a card and present (hopefully my friend will be grace giving when I give them their gift today).

Every so often I look around and I've got a whacky life that sometimes I don't even understand. I love what I do, I love how God has called me to serve (except when I try to do things that are not my gifts - I cry when that happens).  I am human and sometimes get tired and disheartened. And honestly I might have forgotten who I am in Christ for a moment, I forgot I was beautiful, and my chatterbox was on full blast. I finally started speaking life to myself.

And finally I reached out and asked a prayer warrior i know to pray for me.  And I don't know how to even explain it... God started speaking life into me, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, people sent me sweet devotionals that I needed to read, He sent someone last night to pray for me, my dear friend walked with me and let me blab, and sent me the cutest picture ever (she hates that I call myself fat). And then today someone said something so sweet to me they said "I wanted to remind you that you're beautiful" and it wasn't the way I look it was about who I am inside.

Since last night I feel like God keeps saying to me "you are who I created you to be, just keep going"

I'm beautiful
I'm worthy
I'm chosen by Love

I'd like to encourage you that if you're struggling, keep praying, keep worshipping, keep reading your bible, ask people to pray for you, and remember to listen for God in all things!

You're chosen by God too!

As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4, 5 NIV)
