School supply love

This past week I participated in a backpack drive. I don't know what it is about school supplies... But I love them! I mean like seriously love them! I get excited each year as they put them out. 

But it wasn't always this way. When my daughter entered kindergarten I didn't need school supplies, everything was provided. When I switched her to Catholic School I (much to my surprise!!!) received a very long list of school supplies!!  Not being an experienced mom of a child in school I panicked. First of all, we didn't have a lot of money. I was really sacrificing to send her to school. It was really difficult, then I got this ridiculously long list of supplies I needed to have THE NEXT DAY! 3 stores later (if I remember correctly) I got it aalllll! 

For her second grade year, I pulled out last year's list (that had all the grades) as soon as school supplies started coming out! I'd get pens and erasers, then the next week when markers went on sale id pick those up, and so on. It was a long endeavor, and took all summer but we got it all (btw I also learned to buy two of everything) since nothing lasts a whole school year!).

This year I purchased many backpacks for the drive, people in the stores (many people) asked me if I was a teacher lol! It seemed like such a grace moment. Thinking back when I was one who probably could have used a donated backpack and here I was helping. 

Yesterday at Woodside Detroit the pastor (from the Royal Oak campus) said that Jesus meets our needs so that we can meet the needs of others. That was so good to me, God has provided for me in so many ways, Others have helped me when I needed it, they were the vessels that God used to provide and I'm so thankful to be CHOSEN by Him to do that for others. It's humbling really. It is just amazing to me, to let His grace just rest on me. 

““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.””
John 13:34-35 NIV
