I can say at the end of the day, a lot has happened. Work, served Jesus, played with a basketball with some muffins, worshipped, took my dad to the hospital for chest pains.
All of these things are something to be remembered and most something to be thankful for (I actually was supposed to serve food but I was too busy playing with the muffins ❤️)
I will remember about today all the ways God showed up.
He is my provider and my job is how He chooses to provide for my family. He has placed a beautiful heart of people in a community that needs Him (and let's not be fooled, there isn't a community that doesn't need Him). He allowed me to serve Him in so many ways today. And then!!! As if that wasn't enough, He sent four little boys to bring me such joy as I played some sort of something with a basketball with them. (I wish I had a picture just so I could remember that forever).
Oh and He allowed me to praise Him and worship Him! What a glorious honor that is!! My heart was focused only on Love.
I got a phone call that my dad needed to go to the hospital, chest pains. I was all the way at 8 mile and Kelly (East side) and somehow when I hopped on the freeway there was no traffic. And I had a sense of calm over me.
I sent out a prayer request and God has provided me with so many people who love me and sent requests on our behalf to God! When people love you and petition God on your behalf, it's the greatest feeling!!! God sent me the best people.
And... our poor dog needed to be let out and my friends who drove most of the day and stopped to let our dog out, I was just so thankful!
I will remember yesterday as the day God and His people showed up, in every way I needed.