November Thankfuls Day 6 - Cookie

When I was a child, I loved dogs, I'd check out this one book at the library over and over again studying dogs, wishing I could have one.  Never got one.

One day I was walking and a dog came charging at me, and literally 3 feet before it was about to eat my face off the owner yelled a command and it stopped dead in it's tracks.  From then on, I was not a fan of dogs. 

We got a dog when Phyllis was a teenager, unfortunately she had issues with her pancreas and we gave her away to someone who could afford to take care of her.  She was a cute dog but she peed everytime she saw someone new.  I thought I was going to kill her at one point.  Instead, I'd take her outside, let them meet her and everyone would go inside together....  I was never going to stop the peeing so I figured out how to live with it.

It's been a long time since we had a dog.  We were going to move to Detroit so we decided we needed a dog (jokes on me, we moved to Dearborn. 

We got this crazy pooch.  Cookie.  She's a rescue.  She drives me crazy.

But I love her.

She greets me at the door and jumps around begging to go out.
She thinks she gets a treat just for being cute.
She chokes herself while walking because she pulls so much but it's fun to take her out and explore.
She smiles and smirks
If I don't pet her enough (like EVERY MINUTE) she licks my arm (so disgusting)

I'm thankful for her even though I never really wanted a dog.  For the record, having Cookie doesn't make me a dog lover, I'm just a MY dog lover.
