Well January! You’re off to a great start!

Choose wisely

I’ve never picked a word for a year and felt so strongly about it.


Don’t pick that word people unless you’re willing to walk it out and come under attack.

It’s January 3rd and it’s been quite a year already. 

Friday i have surgery for a female problem. And then today while driving i was thinking that the pcv valve on my car broke again because it smelled like a snowblower in my car. I had to roll down the window it was so bad. Then i realized my car had a rod knock. And i don’t mean some hot guy named Rodney knocking at my door. And yes I’ve gotten all my oil changes

I was already thinking I’d take my car to the dealership tomorrow but SURPRISE! It’s there now!

So i turned Down a side street (didn’t want to get stuck on telegraph) and then it occurred to me i was going to have to get past Ford Rd. So i prayed “God just get me past ford rd” then i prayed “God it’s only 4 blocks get me home” i even gave Him a little pep talk “You got this” 😂

Pulled into my driveway and my car sputtered dead. I CANT EVEN MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!!

I Chuckled. Yeap this girl bought the extended warranty. Which means rental car, paid repair/replacement. It’s the advice i give people because it’s the advice i live. 

So i called. 

Called the dealership
Called a tow truck 
Went and ate dinner with Phyllis
Tow truck came
Dropped off car

You know how obnoxious i am? I told this poor guy about the grace of God. About how so many times in my life i look back and see God’s hand and provision. 

I told the guy about my prayers and how i know God loves me because He got me
home safe

God’s grace is not lost on me.

Do you know how many places i drive that If that happened I’d be toast? Lots
Do you know my car didn’t die causing a bunch of other people stress and being late?
I don’t have cancer (i was so crazy at one point with all this female stuff i convinced myself no one would want to be my cancer buddy)
I came home to a warm house and a beautiful girl.
I’ve had more people than i could imagine offer to bring us meals or order us takeout
We don’t even have to worry in the morning about the rental because i work on the way to my daughters work so we can just car pool (don’t need a car on Friday) 

I’m so thankful! If God is for me than who can be against me?

I know you probably think I’m dumb. Let me tell you. This kind of thing has happened to me before and it was devastating. I cried and cried. This sucks. It does but i have really only two choices. I can focus on the bad or the good. 

I can make myself happy or make myself miserable the effort is the same.

I choose the good.
