It’s been one of the hardest years of my life and yet, the peace of God covers me like a cloak.
I read once that sometimes God calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child.
So many times this year i have run to God because everything felt completely out of control. As a child i loved schedules and consistency. It brought my comfort and that still holds true but I’ve learned to love spontaneous things and going with the flow.
As I’m sitting by the water (achieved my second Great Lake this goal year) i love the sound of the water consistently hitting the shore. But i love the wind that carries my thoughts anywhere they need to go.
I’m learning to love where i am, to find the good in the hard moments, to have eyes that see the good, to be thankful.
2018 has taught me a lot. It has reminded me of hard growing seasons that produce the best fruit. It’s reminded me that love is all that matters. It’s taught me that i am loved, that I’m a masterpiece created for such a time as this. I’ve learned that peace is better than strife, and if at all possible, let it always be the way i walk.
It’s been a hard year, and every lesson had been worth it. I’m stronger, braver, and more beautiful than i ever knew possible.