31 days of God

I started reading a book called "Abba’s Child" by Brennan Manning because my pastor had shared part of it. I believe if you want to improve who you are then find someone worth following and read what they read. And if i could emulate someone who loves and leads it would be my Pastor (Tim Holdridge). As a side note, I don’t believe in fan-girling people, especially not pastors but God made him real awesome. And he’s got a lot of the attributes of Jesus i admire.

So if I’m ABba’s child then shouldn’t I want to know the Father more, truer, deeper. I long to know who i belong to, i want to know Him truer and deeper.
I did a study of the character of God with my friend. I found it here https://www.navigators.org/resource/praying-names-attributes-god/?APCode=E294&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn4ncBRCaARIsAFD5-gV8BTROP-ex6Il20o5oh-0-P2YaCtRIQ6xhWG42cbTQ0-zJpkSqFpcaAmfiEALw_wcB

I'm going to find me, by pursing Him.

About 1/2 way through i decided that after i was through, I’ll find my own scripture to pray and read who God is.

For the next 30 days I’ll share with you my findings and my heart on the matter. I’m no biblical scholar. I’m a girl who loves Jesus and wants to know Him more. So i can be more like Him.

"He must increase, but I must decrease.""
‭‭John‬ ‭3:30‬ ‭ESV‬‬
