Neti Pot

Let me tell you, this post...  is about the Neti Pot.  If you don't have one, you should get one.  The moment I start to get a tickle in my nose or sneeze too many time, I 'netti'.  Its gross but all the boogs come out, and you get well so much sooner.  Anyone who knows me, as soon as you're sick, I'll tell you to get one. 

I don't get all the science part or the tradition of it.  I just know it REALLY works, gross, yes, but it works!

But seriously, it's cold and flu season, it's the best $14.99 you'll spend if you're sick...

and oh, yeah, if you're stuffed up, put Vicks on your feet (not your chest)put some socks on and go to bed.

Just trust me, I'm a mom, I know these things!


Pat said…
I'm a big fan of the Neti's much better then taken over the counter meds.
Unknown said…
I did not like the neti pot. Something about cranking my neck just doesn't seem natural. I use a device called Navage. So much easier than a neti pot plus it is cleaner to use.
Kell said…
I keep saying I need to buy myself one but have yet to do it! Thankfully I don't get sick much.
Trish said…
Margie...the above comment is from ME...Kell did not sign out after being on my computer.
She does have a Neti Pot though.