Sometimes I get completely overwhelmed! I mean like I can’t breathe, when someone
asks me how I am I just say ‘fine’ or if you ever hear me say “I’ll be ok” it
really means that I’m a complete mess inside and if I say anything I will start
to cry as witnessed by my friend this morning (man was I thankful for
her!). I don’t always know what to do
in those situations. I usually have a
mix of emotions. Sometimes I want to
punch someone, sometimes I want to just cry.
But mostly I just want someone to FIX it. Whatever I need at the moment, the basement floods, I want
someone to come clean it, college needs to be paid for, a nice big fat check
would be nice.
Sometimes the cleaner guys show up, and sometimes the money
comes. But one thing I have learned is
to take my issues to The Throne. Who
better to take care of things than the King of Kings. There is no one higher,
bigger, smarter. In all my
overwhelmedness, He is good. When I
screw it all up, He is faithful.
I am never sure of what is ahead, how things will be worked
out, but I know they work out for His Glory.
So today, when my insides are churning, I will rest in the fact that He
would have died just for me. He is
good. He is my Father. My healer. My portion. He is my way. He is Faithful. He is
Eternal. He is Risen. He is ALL things. He is my
Savior. He is my Lord. He is.
What else do I need to know?